Chemical Safety Overview
This course provides the necessary training for obtaining a chemical accreditation card. Chemical safety accreditation is advised and/or required for commercial chemical users working in the following contexts: farms‚ spray contractors, local council workers, parks and gardens, swimming pools, sewerage work, weed control, state parks and wildlife, national parks, zoos, land care and maintenance, and mining.
The units covered in both the ‘Initial’ and ‘Refresher’ courses are:
AHCCHM304 – Transport and store chemicals
AHCCHM307 – Prepare and apply chemicals to control pests, weeds and diseases
NSW Chemical Safety Course – Initial
Our 'Initial' course is a full-day class (usually 8am-4:30pm). Completing the 'Initial' Chemical Safety obtains accreditation for 5 years. In addition to the full-day class, there is pre-course online work to be completed. The pre-course work takes approximately 2-3 hours. Instructions and a guide for the pre-course work are provided upon booking.
NSW Chemical Safety Course – Refresher
To be eligible for this course, the participant must have previously held Chemical Safety Accreditation, and the previous accreditation must not be expired by more than 6 months.
Our 'Refresher' course is a half-day class (usually 8am-1:30pm). Completing the 'Refresher' course re-news the students Chemical Safety Accreditation for another 5 years.
QLD Chemical Safety Course – Initial
Our 'Initial' course is a full-day class (usually 8am-4:30pm). Completing the 'Initial' Chemical Safety obtains accreditation for 5 years. In addition to the full-day class, there is pre-course online work to be completed. The pre-course work takes approximately 2-3 hours. Instructions and a guide for the pre-course work are provided upon booking.
QLD Chemical Safety Course – Refresher
To be eligible for this course, the student must have previously held Chemical Safety Accreditation, and the previous accreditation must not be expired by more than 6 months.
Our 'Refresher' course is a half-day class (usually 8am-1:30pm). Completing the 'Refresher' course re-news the students Chemical Safety Accreditation for another 5 years.